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Masennus, Alzheimerin tauti Lukuaika: 1 minuutti(s)Kongressin kohokohdatInfografiikka Depression and an ageing population According to a recent systematic review, the global prevalence of depression in people aged >60... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Migreeni Lukuaika: 3 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdatArtikla Management of medication overuse headache At the 16th European Headache Congress, Dr Nicolas Vandenbussche, Gent, Belgium, provided an update... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Mental health Lukuaika: 4 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat How are genes involved in tailoring psychiatric treatment? Psychiatrists need an understanding of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), pharmacogenomics,... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Alzheimerin tauti Lukuaika: 3 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat Which tau biomarkers are most informative in AD? Aggregates of hyperphosphorylated and C-terminally truncated microtubule-associated tau protein are... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Kaksisuuntainen mieliala Lukuaika: 3 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat Agitation: the importance of early identification and intervention Psychomotor agitation is a universal, frequent and complex condition in general medical practice... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Masennus, Kaksisuuntainen mieliala Lukuaika: 3 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat Identifying and managing major depressive disorder with mixed features One in five people with major depressive disorder (MDD) have at least three hypomanic symptoms, and... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Lukuaika: 3 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat How does the brain change with bipolar disorder? Mania in adolescence and young adulthood is highly predictive of bipolar disorder type 1 (BPD1),... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Alzheimerin tauti Lukuaika: 3 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat Assessing and managing agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia Agitation is common among patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and results in a range of... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Mental health Lukuaika: 3 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat The new technologies transforming psychiatric practice and patient outcomes Data-driven approaches to psychiatric diagnosis and practice fueled by the abundance of information... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Skitsofrenia Lukuaika: 4 minuutti(s) Kongressin kohokohdat Early intervention for psychosis: Is it worth the investment? In a session at WFSBP, chaired by Professor Matcheri Keshavan, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3